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Cloud computing is storing or accessing programs, apps, and data via the internet—instead of directly on your computer hard drive. The most popular examples of cloud computing are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)—most of which you can choose whether to set up in a public or private option. Cloud computing is giving rise to more as-a-service offerings including:
AIaaS: AI as a service
DaaS: Desktop as a service
RaaS: Ransomware as a service  (On the less savory side of technology)
XaaS: Anything as a service
Any cloud service consists of client-side systems or devices (PC, tablets, etc.) that are connected to the backend data center components. The components that constitute  cloud infrastructure include:
Cloud computing  has revolutionized the way organizations work, and advancing us to a new technology era. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are the top cloud service providers that dominate the worldwide cloud market.
Nowadays, most enterprises are moving towards the cloud and even  multi-cloud environments to harness the benefits offered by cloud computing, such as:
Decreased CapEx
Of course, the Big 3 cloud providers possess the experience and expertise to provide a reliable and feature-rich cloud platform. But, before committing to a specific cloud platform, you must do your due diligence and compare each platform to fully understand their capabilities and differences.

We provide solutions in several types of employment relationships

Long-term & Short-term Projects 
Direct Placement